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"The episode has given a fresh and deep sense for my mind to the saying, Man proposes, and God disposes.”




Georg Ohm discovered a principle that is fundamental to physics. His groundbreaking work with electricity produced “Ohm’s law,” which is taught in every science class today. However, his theory was largely ignored for much of his lifetime. 


Ohm was a teacher for many years in mathematics and physics. A gifted student who learned both subjects quickly, Ohm started teaching from a young age. He taught at several different schools, and Ohm knew the subjects so well that he even wrote several books in both areas of study to earn extra money.


Ohm’s law first appeared in 1827 in Ohm’s book, “The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically.” In this book, Ohm laid the mathematical foundation of his theory. Ohm’s law states that for a given resistance, current is directly proportional to voltage: current goes up if voltage is increased through a circuit whose resistance is fixed, and current goes down if voltage is decreased.

Ohm's law allows engineers to calculate an unknown voltage, current, or resistance if two of these three quantities are known.


Although today Ohm’s law is one of the most significant principles of electricity, Ohm initially received very little recognition for his work. His principle was finally recognized and accepted in the 1840s. Scientists now call the physical unit measuring electrical resistance the “ohm.”



Ohm regularly recognized God in his life and in His work. For instance, in the preface of “Molecular Physics,” he stated that he hoped to write a second and third volume “and if God gives me length of days for it, a fourth.” 


Additionally, after Ohm’s death, a compilation of Ohm’s family letters were published in a book. The end of the letters were often signed with the expression "Gott befohlen, G S Ohm," meaning "Commended to God.”

Ohm's Law

Ohm's Law

The first record of Ohm's law in Georg Simon Ohm's lab book, today at the archives of the Deutsches Museum. Image: Lukas Mezger, CC by SA 4.0

Georg Simon Ohm

Georg Simon Ohm


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